The Richland Springs Report

  • Sue Ransom and Rennie Mann at the Town Mall Meeting
    Sue Ransom and Rennie Mann at the Town Mall Meeting

For those of you who missed the town hall meeting featuring candidate for senate Rennie Mann, you missed a great and informative meeting.

Around 20 local citizens came to listen and question Rennie Mann on his political positions, reasons for running, and personal qualifications for office. His open and honest opinions and positions were assuring for the group of people who are steadfast, patriotic Americans. His humble yet confident assessment of his qualifications are a pleasant surprise. He is an independent business owner, local landowner, and strong patriot. His short sleeve shirt exposed his arm tattoos. He has had some negative comments about that “ink” on his arms, but no one at the meeting was ready to run him out of town.

On the contrary, his open opinions and humble answers, though not smooth and slick some seedy politician were a delight to his listeners. He has an uphill run since he is an unknown and carries no fancy law degree. The folks at the meeting like the cut of his jib.

Congratulations to the Coyote athletes in their recent games against Brookesmith. Lady Coyotes 76-16, Coyotes 74-48. Junior high ladies were tournament champions on Saturday defeating San Saba, Early and Comanche for the win.

Upcoming games are the boys basketball games on the 16th against Cherokee, the junior high boys on the 18th against Cherokee, and the 19th high school boys against Lometa. Next week, the varsity boys have games against Lometa and Rochelle. Good luck to all.

I have hunkered down in my living room, blanket close by, wood stove keeping the room cozy and never forget a hot cup of tea. I have learned to drink a cup of coffee, loaded with creamer, in the morning, but my British roots call for hot tea. I am not amused or delighted by freezing weather. This freezing cold is making my upcoming trip to the Caribbean even more enticing. When you wrap that up with three sisters, what a trip that will be. I’ll be sure to post a picture for the paper.

The response to the bank building fundraising has been good. The goal is to replace that poor old roof. Chrissy and I are headed to a meeting on Tuesday that donates money to preserve historical buildings. I don’t know if we will be successful, but we are going to give it the old “Coyote try.” It’s such a unique and pretty building that holds over 100 years of experiences. This local treasure was dedicated in 1910, hence the name of our community center Shoppe 1910. The upstairs level has had medical offices, law offices, a telephone switch office, and various other businesses. It will be wonderful to have it looking bright and shiny again.

We are saddened to hear that Sandy Riggs lost her home last week. She and her pet were rescued by the police department, but her home and pictures are a total loss. Neighbors and family are assisting her now until she can get a new place to live.

Photos and news briefs about our border problem are cause for concern. Please pray and then contact your representatives and senators. Pray for world peace and freedom from terrorists, for the many protests in our nation’s capital, and our elected representatives in congress. Please keep your plants, pets and pipes protected from this extended period of cold. Pray for our emergency personnel, but most of all pray for our precious troops and their families.