Richland Springs Preservation Society

  • Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - BEFORE photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
    Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - BEFORE photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
  • Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - BEFORE photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
    Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - BEFORE photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
  • Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - BEFORE photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
    Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - BEFORE photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
  • The Older Generation handing off to the Younger generation:  Walter Stratton and Christian. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
    The Older Generation handing off to the Younger generation: Walter Stratton and Christian. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
  • Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - AFTER photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
    Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - AFTER photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
  • Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - AFTER photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker
    Richland Springs 1910 Bank Building Clean Up - AFTER photo. Courtesy of Chrissy Baker

Wednesday, the 27th of December, was the day scheduled for an upstairs cleanup of the old bank. At first sight, it was daunting. Franky Soto was there with his crew of two. Dolores Mask and I were the first of the volunteers to make an appearance. Hector Martinez and Rickey McKinnerney donated the use of their dump trailers to the Richland Springs Preservation Society for the cleanup. Dan Boone showed up shortly after nine. Over the next three hours, another dozen people arrived to help. The first group was mostly seniors who had grown up with the old bank. Many memories were shared as we swept and shoveled decades of refuse and construction material. I will forget some, but Jack Carroll, the Crumps, the Browns. Mr. Brown graduated from Richland in 1959! Frank Pearce, Bobby and Chrissy Baker, another couple I did not know, and then the youngsters arrived. Dalton and Piper Moats, and Christian Heard McKinnerney pitched in to do some of the lifting. Thank you to Santiago and Maria Patino from San Saba who volunteered their help as well. Paige Moats and Carol Bryant manned the refreshment table.

I’m sure I’ve left someone out, but every volunteer was greatly appreciated. I was astounded by the amount of work that was completed. Franky Soto was our foreman, and he thought we might complete four rooms. Imagine the miracle when we cleaned up all the rooms on the second floor. There will be another workday to complete removing the cement from damaged walls, but this was a giant step forward.

The bank clean-up was a success. I didn’t think we old geezers could accomplish as much as we did in a few short hours. About the time we were slowing down, we had an influx of about six younger folks who carried the day.

The Beautification Society kept us supplied with water and delicious chili. With the removal of wet ceiling tiles and debris, perhaps we can narrow down the areas that are leaking so that we can put another coat of tar to stem the flow of water.

Society has paid the taxes imposed by the county and reestablished the tax exemption certificate. The push now will be to raise enough money to completely redo the roof. Current bids are over forty thousand. The committee will gladly accept donations to get the job done. We are currently searching for grants to help with the roofing costs. Temporary sealants have helped a little, but a new roof is the ultimate answer. Please consider helping with this wonderful project.