From the Principal’s Desk


We are the Difference.

I came across a video clip by Josh Shipp this weekend that seemed timely and appropriate for this time of year. As teachers, we spend a great deal of time with our students from early August until late May. In Cherokee, we typically get to see these students for multiple years before they move on to another “campus” or graduate. Because of the nature of our campus, we typically really get to know our kids, and they us. During this time, we hope to educate the whole student with regard to our respective subject areas. But, we also hope to instill some of the soft skills that will translate beyond the classroom as well.

Because of the nature of our campus, we often play a unique role in the lives of our students. We get to see them grow and develop often for their full 12 years in school. And, many of us never know the impact we have made on the lives of those who passed through our classrooms year after year. On May 7, at 6 p.m., we are going to have our second robing ceremony here in the new gym. This ceremony provides our students with the opportunity to share with one of their teachers the impact they made in their educational journey. Though not all will be recognized, I wanted to thank each of you for being the difference in the lives of our students.