Columns and Opinion

Born with a Silver Spoon

One day, I overheard my grandmother talking to my mother about someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I did not know they were talking about someone born into a wealthy family.

Alice in Wonder Land

The March 21st issue of this column listed some comments my dear friend Linda Purtee (died 2013) wrote in her Bible. Here are some more comments by this wonderful special friend of many in Ohio and Texas.

La Palabra de Dios Dice

Salmos 127:1-5 RV Si Jehová no edificare la casa, En vano trabajan los que la edifican; Si Jehová no guardare la ciudad, En vano vela la guardia. Por demás es que os levantéis de madrugada, y vayáis tarde a reposar, y que comáis pan de dolores; Pues que a su amado dará Dios el sueño. He aquí, herencia de Jehová son los hijos; Cosa de estima el fruto del vientre. Como saetas en mano del valiente, así son los hijos habidos en la juventud. Bienaventurado el hombre que llenó su aljaba de ellos; No será avergonzado cuando hablare con los enemigos en la puerta. Salmos 128 DHH Feliz tú, que honras al Señor y le eres obediente. Comerás del fruto de tu trabajo, serás feliz y te irá bien. En la intimidad de tu hogar, tu mujer será como una vid cargada de uvas; tus hijos, alrededor de tu mesa, serán como retoños de olivo. Así bendecirá el Señor al hombre que lo honra. ¡Que el Señor te bendiga desde el monte Sión! ¡Que veas el bienestar de Jerusalén todos los días de tu vida! ¡Que llegues a ver a tus nietos! ¡Que haya paz en Israel!

Simple Truths

The more I observe the current events in America and the world, the more convinced I am of the truth of the word of God. We are watching Bible prophecy unfolding right before our very eyes. It seems that the entire world is demonstrating their hatred toward Israel and the Jews. Our American colleges and universities are a breeding ground of hatred and bigotry toward God’s chosen people, and are crying for their total annihilation. Many of these same colleges were founded for the purpose of teaching missionaries to send into all the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It seems that now their agenda is to suppress Christianity and destroy the Jews. If you claim Christianity and hate the Jews, you are deceiving yourself, because you cannot be a Christian without the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.

High-end electrical users could strain grid

The growth of industrial-scale users of power could strain the Texas power grid, ERCOT’s chief announced last week. The Dallas Morning News reported Pablo Vegas, the agency’s CEO, said bitcoin miners and artificial intelligence data centers going in across the state, as well as industrial growth in the Permian Basin, could create the need for a massive buildup of power transmission lines in the future.

Constitutional Minute

Article II, Section 1, clause 5 states, “No Person except a natural born citizen...shall be eligible to the Office of President;” According to the original intent of our Constitution, neither Barack Obama, Marco Rubio, nor Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen. At the times they were born, their Fathers were not citizens.

Constitutional Minute

So! Who decides who is eligible to be president? How is this handled? Who makes the ruling? Do we “file a lawsuit” and let federal judges decide? Slap your hands!”, our Framers would say. They would say, “ Read the Constitution and see what is supposed to happen!” Read the 12th Amendment.

Marathon Kids at San Saba Elementary

Students at San Saba Elementary have been working on earning miles and running a marathon since August 2023. Marathons are reached by kids finishing miles in achievable increments, or completing minutes of heart-pumping activity. All grade levels from PreK-3 to 4th grade participate every Monday, and currently our little Dillos have earned 5,390 miles. We have some dedicated dillos who choose to spend a portion of their Free Fun Thursday running to earn an extra mile or two. I am very proud of their hard work and determination to earn a Marathon!