Down Memory Lane

  • Down Memory Lane

    Down Memory Lane

    Down Memory Lane
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SSHS 9-AA DISTRICT CHAMPIONS –– This is the 1972 San Saba High School Armadillo cage team that won the first district championship for the school since it joined the UIL. Although, the team shares its honors with co-champion Burnet, the Armadillos won the playoff game and was the 9-AA District representative for bi-district. In the back row, left to right, are Coach James Gibson, Norris McCarty, Sam Murray, Tom Epperson, Henry Harrison, Richard Jackson, Keith Sterner and Coach Jerry Bethell. The front row, same order, includes Jerry Berryhill, Monty Riggs, David Garcia, Roy Lee French and Mark Geldmeier. Seniors on the team are McCarty, Epperson, Harrison, Sterner and Berryhill, Jimmy Walker, another member of the team, was absent when this photo was taken. ––Photo by Wanda Wharton


100 Years Ago December 28, 1922

A wedding of interest to relatives and friends of the groom was solemnized at Waco when Miss Eula Lee Trice became the bride of Mr. Monroe Carroll. This marriage culminated from the romantic college days––both being former students of Baylor University. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carroll of this city. He is a graduate of the Baylor University and is at present principal of the Chilton school.

Prominent among the collection of pecans is the Hollis, or Jumbo, also native of San Saba County, which won first prize at the World's Fair in St. Louis in 1910. The tree at Bend, Texas, from which this pecan came, is estimated to be 500 years old. It is owned by J. C. Morris of that town. In 1919 it produced 1,060 pounds of nuts, none of which sold for less than 50¢ a pound, some of which sold for $1. Its average yearly production, figured from a long period of years, is 400 pounds.

Murray Joekel, student of the T. C. U. at Ft. Worth is here during the holidays, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Joekel.

Carlos Ashley of T. C. U. is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ashley.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Thorp are taking a vacation, they are on a hunting trip in Mason county.

Miss Hazel Armour spent Christmas in Temple.

Miss Inez Johnson of Baylor University is a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Johnson.

In the foot ball Monday afternoon between the San Saba High and theAll Stars, Barney Creamer had the misfortune to get his collar bone broken.

MAJESTIC SATURDAY 'THE JUCKLINS' are fighting men! See what they do in George Melford's production of 'THE JUCKLINS' which will be shown at the Majestic Theatre. Filled with thrills! Has heart appeal! It's a Paramount! Also Charlie Chaplin in 'IN THE PARK' 50 Years Ago December 28, 1972

Gary Sanderson has received a certificate of completion in automotive parts specialist from the James Connally Campus of the Texas State Technical Institute in Waco.

The 1972 Standard-TimesAll-West Texas honor squad released last week, named two San Saba Armadillos to the second team. Billy Smith was listed as a running back on the second team offense and Mark Geldmeier was named on the secondary of the second team defense.

Jeff Byrd, owner of Jeff Byrd Grocery since April 14, 1934 and a grocery employee for nearly 17 years before he went into business for himself, will retire, effective, Jan. 1, 1973. Byrd has sold his business to two of his employees, Pudge Gage, who has been employed by Byrd since about 1940, and Edward Ragsdale, who has been an employee for 22 years. Billy Ray Eden, who has been employed by Byrd 13 years, will remain with Gage and Ragsdale. The former Jeff Byrd Grocery will be known as the G & R Grocery.

Deborah Oswald Millican, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Oswald and wife of Bob Millican, earns a bachelor of science degree in home economics at the University of Texas in Austin.

Soon after midnight, early in the morning, fire was detected in the field house at Rogan Field, destroying a considerable amount of football equipment and other items. Fire Chief James Reavis and Poly Millican were the first to detect the flames when they were returning home from a coon hunt.

Sambo Phillips and Sammy Plumley are the new firemen, who will take the places on the department left vacant by the retirement of T. J. Stewart and John Stewart. The two new members and their wives were introduced at the annual Fireman's Christmas Supper at Mill Pond Park where a barbecued steak supper was served to firemen and their families.