The Richland Springs Report

  • These colorful vegetables are from Jody and Kim Lewis’ booth last Saturday at the Richland Springs Market. Courtesy of Jody Lewis

    These colorful vegetables are from Jody and Kim Lewis’ booth last Saturday at the Richland Springs Market. Courtesy of Jody Lewis

    These colorful vegetables are from Jody and Kim Lewis’ booth last Saturday at the Richland Springs Market. Courtesy of Jody Lewis
  • Market at RS Tabernacle

    Market at RS Tabernacle

    Market at RS Tabernacle
  • Market at RS Tabernacle

    Market at RS Tabernacle

    Market at RS Tabernacle
  • Market at RS Tabernacle

    Market at RS Tabernacle

    Market at RS Tabernacle

I love it when things happen in Richland Springs. The new Saturday Market is a perfect example. Each Saturday a few more local growers and craftspeople bring their goods to the Tabernacle. This past Saturday, there were seven vendors when I left with a wide range of fresh produce, home canned goods and beautiful wreaths from Christy Crisp; Kim and Jody Lewis had fresh produce from their garden, as did Chrissy and Bobby Baker from Chrissy’s Plants; the blush vinegar, individual cakes from Jackie and Chuck of RS BoHo; Joy Milliorn, Tami Lusty, and Krista Norris brought their homemade and home-grown merchandise as well. Come over to the Tabernacle early Saturday morning and take home some locally grown and crafted goodies. The Farmer’s Market opens at 9:00 a.m. and closes whenever merchandise is gone or 1:00 p.m. I’ve heard they sell out before closing time. As more people realize this is happening, they will show up to buy some delicious veggies and homemade goods for a reason n able price. Plus, you save gas. How can you beat that?

I popped into the school last week to see how things were going over the summer. Carol Bryant was directing the two summer helpers, Luis Oyervides and Zeke Hoevers, on their chores before quitting time. I suspect she doesn’t have to babysit these two hard-working young men. Mrs. Wyatt was organizing teacher orientation details, and Mr. Friar was heading to San Antonio for the School Board Orientation. Teachers may be off, but support staff are not. Esmeralda and Carol are turning out the classrooms, painting, moving furniture and getting rooms ready for returning and newly hired teachers.

Official opening day for Chrissy’s Flowers will be July 19th. The Chamber of Commerce will perform the ribbon cutting ceremony. I’m sure everyone has noticed the tall skinny building being built next to the Coyote Store. This will be the new cookhouse for the restaurant portion of the store. We wish the Bailey’s the absolute best of luck.

I hope everyone is preparing their floats for the Fourth of July parade. I will not make it this year as I’m heading to Canada. It’s a surprise for my youngest sister.

I’m praying for more rain. I didn’t think I would do that after all this lovely rain, but things are drying up. My son told me that San Antonio has not had an abundance of rain, and they are already on Stage four restrictions. When it’s dry, the fires begin. Please be careful when working outdoors.

We have some seriously ill folks in the area, so please pray and see if anyone close to you needs help. I find it hard to determine when people want help and company and when they would rather be left alone. It’s not that I don’t care; it’s that I don’t want to intrude. If you need help, don’t be ashamed to call someone from a local church. I hear First Baptist San Saba has a new pastor. We will pray for him and for the congregation. We know Brother Sam was super special, but we pray this young preacher will find a place in the hearts of his new congregation.

Please pray for our country, our open borders and the substantial numbers that are pouring into our country. Our president needs our prayers, and our Congress needs to learn to cooperate. We need stability and peace in our world. God bless America, and God bless our precious troops and their families.