The Richland Springs Report


Although I’m a little sad that I’m missing our Fourth of July Celebration, I will enjoy the cooler weather in Canada for a few weeks. I haven’t been to Canada for several years, and I can’t wait to see my brother and cousins. My sisters and I went on a sister’s cruise last year, so I didn’t go to Canada. This visit is a surprise for my youngest sister Dee. Her daughter Tina, is planning a surprise anniversary party. I’ve told Dee perhaps we can get together in August or September since I won’t be working. Shame on me for telling fibs.

Which reminds me of a conversation I had with a fellow church member. They were talking about the low church attendance in many churches. They had just come back from visiting friends in another city. That town had about 1,800 people and five churches.

That’s quite a few churches, but there were only three cars outside of each church. There are so many excuses to not attend church. One of my favorite is the hypocrites attend church. I agree. Church is not for perfect people. My church has liars; you just read how I fibbed.

There are gossipers, judgmental people, drinkers, drug users, and who knows what else. I’ve heard several preachers call church a hospital for sinners. None of us have perfected this walk; we are all trying to get better. Don’t give up on church. Ignore those that annoy you, and make friends with those who meet your needs. Fellowship with believers can be refreshing if you come with a loving attitude. From one sinner to another, Jesus loves you and wants to be Lord of your life.

That leads me to the shocking news that Oklahoma is attempting to put the Ten Commandments back in schools. Contrary to modern opinions, this is not teaching religion. It’s teaching history. Our early Pilgrims, Founding Fathers, early colonists, came for freedom from religious tyranny and state mandated religions. They wanted freedom to worship. They didn’t get it right at first but ironed out the kinks that freedom brings. Early schools were taught using the New England Primer. Go online and check that little book. We had great revivals that went nationwide. I don’t want anyone to try and teach students to be Baptists, or Methodists, or any other denomination, but our country in our original declaration stated our stand on God and our country. It didn’t affect our students from 1787 until the 1947 to read the Bible as an historical text; it won’t kill us now.

The Saturday Market in Richland went well. I went over around 10:30 a.m., and all vendors were pretty much sold out. There were the decorative items yet to be sold, but most produce was gone. I was surprised no one bought the patriotic bows and wreaths, but the homemade ice cream, cakes, and cinnamon rolls went quickly. Good work everyone. There will be no market next Saturday due to the out-of-town vendors who will be in for the Fourth of July celebrations. That will give our local gardeners a rest from picking. I’m hearing that the heat is taking a toll on gardens. We could use a little rain and a lot of cool.

I had a couple of folks ask me about my article a few weeks ago when I was rehashing what happened in 2020 at the church. I must have explained myself poorly. The person who attacked me at church was not a church member, but a disgruntled and dysfunctional woman with a distorted story. We may not all agree in church, but we don’t attack one another. So, the error was mine, sorry.

School personnel are off for the next two weeks. I’m sure there will still be people like Esmeralda and Carol working to get classrooms ready. They may have their two excellent helpers Luiz and Zeke with them as well. Speaking of workers, thank you Ian McKinnerney and William Oldham for helping with the San Saba Food Bank. Debbie and I received many compliments on the quality of their work.

Please pray for the Al Behrens' family; he went quietly last Sunday to meet his maker. We are at a point in our summer where more rain is needed. Please pray for our open border, our President who is not well, our Congress, our law officers, and EMT personnel. Fire season will begin shortly now that it is hot, and we have no rain. Please be careful with fires and pray for our volunteer fire department personnel. Most of all, pray for our precious troops and their families.