
The Richland Springs Report

Wow, what a show of strength our Lord gave us! No one will turn away the six inches or more of rain that was delivered, but the damage was rough. For the first time in years, my tank ran around.

Rotary Minute

The San Saba Rotary Club met on May 2nd at Pepperbelly's with 16 attendees. President Buck Gilcrease opened the meeting.

Community calendar

ONGOING EVENTS/MEETINGS The San Saba County Historical Museum is now open Saturdays and Sundays 1:30 until 4:00 or by appointment. See our updated website. Lunch at Senior Center - Monday -Friday, 11 a.m. Free for 60 and over. Call 325-372-5833 for reservations.

Lenny's Life Lessons

Hello, dearest San Saba loves! Does everyone feel as though they need a good half hour in the dryer after the ridiculous amount of rain we’ve endured? This dachshund not only needs a towel drying after every walk, but I am seriously considering counseling after being sequestered in this small house with mom for days upon end!

The Richland Springs Report

Welcome to May, everyone. For this are, storms come and go, life gets busier at school, and graduation for our seniors closes out the month. This is a busy month. The Baptist Church had their last Wednesday Church for the kids because of they busy May events. There are several events planned for the summer, but regular meetings will resume once the kids get back to school.

The Bend News

Well, HOWDY from Bend! I appreciate everyone's patience this last year. I am at a point now in my life where I can continue with writing the Bend News.